What's a Rapid Cycling Well Pump?

Another beautiful Willamette Valley summer is just around the corner. The warm, dry weather will mean it’s time to begin irrigating your lawn, flowerbeds and garden again—not to mention playing in the sprinkler!

If your water comes from a well, the added strain of increased usage can cause serious problems in the water system if it hasn’t been maintained properly. One common issue is a rapid cycling (or short cycling) well pump.

What’s that mean?

Normally, when the pump in your well turns on, it will run for up to a couple minutes at a time before shutting off. There are sensors in the system that control the pump’s power cycle based on water pressure.

But if your pump is powering on and off, on and off in rapid succession, it’s an indication of a problem somewhere in the system. That rapid cycling can quickly lead to failure of the well pump, an inconvenient and serious situation.

Related: How to Know When to Replace Your Water Heater

Now is the time to make sure that your pump, pressure tank, and controls are all operating correctly—before the heat hits. Give us a call so we can schedule a Pump Technician to come out and make sure your water system is ready for that beautiful Oregon sunshine.