4 Treatable Water Quality Complaints

We believe water is life’s most valuable resource, but not all water is the same quality. Whether your water comes from a well or the city’s supply, don’t feel like you must tolerate an annoying or potentially dangerous water problem. Here are four of the most common complaints we receive about water here in the Willamette Valley, along with solutions:

  1. “There is a crusty buildup on everything.” or “I’m always using too much soap.” This problem results from what is known as hard water. Adding a water softener will reduce the concentrations of minerals such as calcium and magnesium that cause the unsightly, scaly buildup. The resulting soft water will extend the life of plumbing pipes, fixtures and appliances, and is more compatible with soap.

  2. “My water smells like rotten eggs.” or “My water leaves a rusty stain.” Iron can be found in well water in several forms, which leads to the red, rust colored staining. And that rotten egg odor is actually caused by a contamination of hydrogen sulfide, a colorless gas that results from an excess of bacteria in groundwater which use sulfur as an energy source. An iron and sulfur removal system can be added to your well water to resolve these ugly and smelly problems.

  3. “I think my well water might be contaminated.” This one should not be taken lightly. Microorganisms that can inhabit well water, such as E. coli and Coliform, are dangerous for human consumption. Adding an ultraviolet (UV) sterilizer is an effective, reliable water disinfection method that’s efficient and chemical-free.

  4. “My water tastes like a swimming pool.” Chlorine is a chemical placed into water systems by municipalities to prevent the spread of waterborne diseases. Chlorine does disinfect water and provides citizens with a safe water supply, but some people are sensitive to the taste or the drying effects on skin. A whole-house chlorine removal system will make all the water in your home smell, taste and feel fresh, clean and chlorine-free.

Related: 7 Must-Have Plumbing & Water Upgrades for Your Home

Stutzman Services has been trusted to manage the Willamette Valley’s drinking water since 1966. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, give us a call at (541) 928-8942 or get in touch via our contact form. After a comprehensive analysis of your water, we will design a customized, cost-effective treatment system and maintenance plan to provide you with the best water quality possible for years to come.