1. Add an easily-accessible water shut-off valve
If a water pipe broke in your home, would you or your family members be able to quickly find the shut-off valve? Shut-off valves can be located in inconvenient places like the crawl space or water meter box near the street. Often installed during remodels or retrofits, we can add an easily-accessible valve that will stop your home’s water from flowing—with a simple 1/4 turn of the handle—and avoid expensive water damage in the event of an emergency. There are even app-controlled smart valves that will learn your water usage patterns and alert you or close automatically if a leak occurs!

2. Enjoy filtered water from every faucet
Whether your water comes from a well on your property or the city’s water supply, you will benefit from a whole-house water treatment system. Imagine if all the water you drank, bathed in, or used for washing was free of chlorine (in the city) or treated for iron, sulfur, hardness minerals, and microorganisms (from a well). Trust us, taking a shower under soft, chlorine-free water is a game changer! Every water treatment system we install is custom-designed for your specific needs.
3. Save money while heating water
Older water heaters are one of the top energy-consuming appliances in the home, but there have been many advancements in water heating technology over the last 15 years. Options to reduce your energy bill are plentiful for both electric and natural gas water heaters. Contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation visit from a journeyman plumber to discuss a high-efficiency water heating solution for your home including hybrid (a.k.a. heat pump) and tankless water heaters. Federal tax rebates and local utility incentives may also be available. Related: How to Know When to Replace Your Water Heater

4. Upgrade all your water pipes
Are leaks in your home’s plumbing beginning to occur more frequently? Does your water pressure seem to be dropping, or are you noticing discolored water when you turn on the tap? If your home’s pipes are galvanized, copper or CPVC, the plumbing system will eventually require a complete replacement. We are repiping experts, and specialize in installing industry-standard PEX pipe with as little intrusion as possible. Rest easy with new water pipes that are leak and freeze resistant.

5. Get city-like constant water pressure from your well
If your home has a conventional well water system, you’re probably accustomed to the rises and drops in water pressure. But with a constant pressure system, a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) monitors pressure and gradually increases or decreases the pump’s rotation speed as needed. The result: City-like constant water pressure from your well. And as a bonus, a VFD can extend the life of your well pump, too! Related: What’s a Rapid Cycling Well Pump?

6. Replace an aging sewer line—without trenching
When many of the Willamette Valley's older homes were built, they were fitted with sewer pipes that were basically made out of layered paper. After decades of use, these underground pipes are now vulnerable to collapse and puncture by tree roots. Using a technique that requires no long trenches and only minimal disruption of your home's landscape, we can replace your existing problematic sewer line with new, High-Density Polyethylene pipe.

7: Control your irrigation system with your smart phone
A lot of value is packed into this simple upgrade for your existing landscape irrigation system. With a new Rain Bird WiFi-compatible smart controller, you can program and operate your sprinklers with your smartphone, receive updates about the system’s performance and efficiency, and set automatic adjustments based on season and weather conditions.